sipcli is a command line SIP user agent runs under Windows (XP, Vista, 2003 Server) which enables making SIP (Based on RFC 3261) based calls. You can use sipcli for:
* Test phone numbers. You can use Visual Basic Scripts to run sipcli recursively. See Running section for a sample VB script.
* Broadcast your recorded audio or text message to SIP/PSTN users. Most of network monitoring system supports invoking external executables for event notification.
Major Features
* Simple, easy to use.
* You can set source IP interface, SIP port, codec, SIP proxy/port, SIP username and password.
* You can play built-in or a user specified wave file to remote SIP endpoint (G.711 A-Law and Mu-Law only; other codecs not supported for playout).
* sipcli can collect user defined number of Digits from dialed endpoints.
* sipcli can also read a text message specified with -t option. sipcli uses Microsoft's TTS engine to produce auido from the text.
* sipcli supports ENUM (RFC 37612).